Scholarships are awarded each year to encourage the musical development of EYO musicians and to benefit the EYO. These scholarships are awarded on the basis of performing ability, potential and contribution to the EYO. To be eligible, candidates must meet each specific scholarship's requirements.
Where auditions are required these are held in May and awarded by a Selection Jury consisting of the EYO Music Director and two outside jury members. Every effort is made to ensure that adjudicators are not placed in a conflict of interest situation. Auditions are recorded and may also be used for entrance to the EYO.
Applications are NOT required for the following scholarships. Returning EYO members meeting the eligibility criteria are selected by the Music Director and General Manager in May and approved by the EYO Board of Directors.
Diana Bacon Scholarship - $500* This scholarship is awarded to an EYO member who has been an EYO member for at least three years, is at least 16 years old, has made significant musical progress and shows a positive awareness of the goals of the Orchestra, as demonstrated through exemplary attendance, punctuality, and willingness to assume a generous share of responsibility in all orchestra activities.
Diana Bacon Young Musicians' Award- $200* This scholarship is awarded to an Intermediate Youth Orchestra member younger than 16 years old who has made a significant contribution to the EYO both musically and generally and has demonstrated exceptional improvement in playing ability.
Eileen Lee Scholarship - $300 To be awarded to an EYO member demonstrating musicality, passion, and commitment to the EYO.
Francis and Muriel Dunnigan Scholarship - $500* This scholarship is awarded to a returning EYO member. It is not intended for the “best” player; rather, the purpose of the Francis and Muriel Dunnigan Scholarship is to allow a committed and aspiring EYO player in either the intermediate or senior orchestra to access additional musical training, personally benefiting from the scholarship and at the same time enhancing the orchestra as a whole.
Pamela Farmer Young Musicians' Award - $200* This scholarship is awarded to an Intermediate Youth Orchestra member younger than 16 years old who has made a significant contribution to the EYO both musically and generally and has demonstrated exceptional improvement in playing ability.
Paul Polushin Award - $200 This prize is not intended for an orchestral section leader but for a player from the rest of the string section of the orchestra who has played in the EYO for at least three years. The winner will have displayed outstanding commitment to the EYO in terms of rehearsal attendance, dedication to high performing standards, responsible behaviour, positive attitude, and concern for the welfare of the orchestra as a whole.
R. glacialis Award - $300 This legacy award, in honour of Prof. Walter and Klara Moser, is for a musician in the senior orchestra who simply loves making music and plans to study science or education.
Applications and auditions ARE required for the following scholarships:
Della Roland Memorial Scholarship - $500* For musicians planning to continue musical studies away from Edmonton. Funds to be released when program of study begins.
Harry Farmer Memorial Scholarship - $500*
Kathleen Farmer Memorial Scholarship - $500*
Symphony Women's Educational Assistance Fund Scholarships - A total of $2000* to be awarded. A lifetime maximum of $1000.
Thelma Johannes O'Neill Memorial Scholarship - $500
*Scholarship funds managed by the Edmonton Community Foundation. Amounts listed are subject to change based on annual fund performance and monies available for granting.
Eligibility Requirements
Must be in the senior EYO and have been a member of EYO for at least 2 years (one year could have been in the Intermediate EYO)
Plan to return to the EYO the following year. Exception: Della Roland Memorial Scholarship.
A completed application form must be submitted along with your video recording.
Application Form - All Other Scholarships
Audition: prepare and perform accompanied music (unless chosen selection is specifically an unaccompanied piece) that is no more than 15 minutes in length for the Selection Jury. Choose a movement of a concerto or sonata or two contrasting shorter pieces.
Additional scholarships are available through the Edmonton Community Foundation. Please check out their students awards page.